Downtown Revitalization Plan

Picture of Downtown Red Lodge

The update of the Downtown Revitalization Plan is funded through a grant with the Montana Department of Commerce Main Streets Program to update the Red Lodge Revitalization Plan that was completed in 1986, as well as revisiting Red Lodge’s Main Street implementation strategies and goals.


Upcoming Schedule of Activities:

May 2024 – Draft Downtown Revitalization Plan will be available

May-June 2024 – Focus groups will be formed to refine the draft plan via public work sessions


The Downtown Plan, formerly known as the 1986 Revitalization Plan, is the guiding document that contains the vision for the future of your downtown. Located in the general area north/south between 8th and 15th Streets and east/west between Platt and Villard Avenues. This plan supports the Central Business District goals outlined in the 2020 Growth Policy, to keep the district as the retail, service, governmental, social, and cultural heart of Red Lodge. Its historic buildings and pedestrian scale are also the foundations of its appeal to visitors and the small-town character residents cherish.

Updating the Downtown Plan, which was originally completed in 1986 with an updated assessment and action plan in 2006, has been a priority for the City since becoming a Montana Main Street (MMS) affiliate member in 2016. This year, the City applied for and was awarded a MMS grant to accomplish this update, which not only serves the interests of businesses and residents but ultimately supports future project funding for the downtown area.

The Downtown Plan will be a snapshot of the current status of downtown, opportunities for improvement, and a vision for the future. The goal is to create a document that the community can utilize to achieve the vision for downtown, with actionable goals and objectives, instead of just another planning document that sits on a shelf.

Furthermore, this plan is for the entire community. It should serve everyone who is part of the Red Lodge community, including businesses and residents, alike. Community survey feedback will provide valuable input as to how the community envisions the “downtown”. In addition to the community survey, the City will also be seeking input via discussions at special events. 


2023 Community Survey Results are now available!